As a pre-cursor to our comprehensive EV Rejector Study planned for release later in 2023, this smaller panel survey serves to test some initial hypotheses while the larger future study is designed. “It’s not a secret that those who refuse to purchase an EV are concerned about range and charging, but we now know more specifics about these deterring elements, like distance to charging station, availability of charging at work, dwelling style, etc.” says President and Chief Analyst Ed Kim. According to consumer responses, the top reason cited for not considering an EV in the future is “I would be worried about losing charge and being stranded,” followed by “I think the charge required to wait for an EV to charge is too long.”
Misperceptions and/or Lack of Charging Locations Deter Potential Buyers
Of respondents who will not consider an EV, 45% believe their home would require extensive and expensive upgrades in order to successfully charge an EV, compared to only 14% of EV acceptors. Additionally, only 6% of rejectors say either their employer offers a place to plug in or a public charging station is within close walking distance, compared to 30% of EV acceptors.